Show Solidarity with Suffering Christians in Ethiopia


On behalf of  Amhara Association of America (AAA), I’m forwarding this information so you can share it with concerned Orthodox Christians who want to show solidarity with suffering Christians In Ethiopia. AAA has been actively working and recording the genocide of Amharas, and other Orthodox Christians and ethnic minorities in Ethiopia.
There is overwhelming evidence of genocide waged on Amharas, and other ethnic Christian minorities In Ethiopia over the last 30+ years all because of the TPLF-led government which was primarily supported by the US government just until 2 years ago. Our goal is to bring the sponsors of this genocide to justice, just as in the case of other countries where genocide was committed.  The United States plays a key role in freezing assets of the terrorist organizations that have committed so many atrocities on innocent people and bringing them to justice. The TPLF is responsible for the genocides and the mass exile of Amharas over the last 30+ years. 
Please help the AAA to see justice served by emailing your Member of Congress at the following link:
Thank You and God bless you.
Deacon Laike Misikir 
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