Recommended Links
/ Resources / Recommended Links


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Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America
Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A.
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Orthodox Church in America
Representation Moscow Patriarchate in the USA
Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of America & Canada
Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA

Assembly of Orthodox Canonical Bishops Agencies and Endorsed Organizations 
Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting (EOCS) - EOCS's purpose is to conduct the mission of our Lord and His Church via the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts USA programs on a national level.
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) - IOCC, in the spirit of Christ’s love, offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthens the capacity of the Orthodox Church to so respond.
Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion (OCAMPR) - OCAMPR exists to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and promote Christian fellowship among helping professionals in medicine, psychology and religion. Members pursue an understanding of the whole person which integrates the basic assumptions of medicine, psychology and religion within the Orthodox Christian faith in educating and serving Church and community.
Orthodox Christian Education Commisson (OCEC) - Founded in 1957 by a group of Orthodox theologians and educators as a forum to exchange ideas and to search for solutions to common educational problems, OCEC currently aims to develop and publish educational material for and offers support services to Orthodox Christian Churches in North America.
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) - As the official collegiate campus ministry program under SCOBA,   OCF's mission is to support fellowships on college campuses, whose members experience and witness to the Orthodox Christian Church through community life, prayer, service to others and study of the Faith.
Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) - OCMC has been sanctioned by SCOBA to help the faithful of North America to proclaim the fullness of the Orthodox Christian Faith with the world. Each year hundreds of Orthodox Christians answer the call to make disciples of all nations through one of OCMC’s many initiatives.
Orthodox Christian Network (OCN) - OCN, an agency of SCOBA, has been established to create a national, sustainable and effective media witness for the Orthodox Christian Church in North America. OCN produces high-quality programs and media tools for local parishes that reach people for Christ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) -  
OCPM ministers to prisoners and their families by mobilizing the Church to work in this important vineyard of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration - Our purpose is to provide an Orthodox response to the growing ecological crisis of our day and to be of service to the Church in a variety of ways.
Orthodox Peace Fellowship - The Orthodox Peace Fellowship of the Protection of the Mother of God is an association of Orthodox Christians belonging to different nations and jurisdictions trying to live the peace of Christ in day-to-day life, including situations of division and conflict. We publish a quarterly journal, "In Communion," and provide other resources for individuals and parishes.
Orthodox Theological Society of America (OTSA) - OTSA promotes Orthodox theology, cultivates fellowship and cooperation among Orthodox Christians, and coordinates the work of Orthodox theologians in the Americas.
Project Mexico & St. Innocent Orphanage - Since 1988, Project Mexico has been involving young people in the alleviation of suffering by building homes for Mexico's poor. Hundreds of homes have been built for needy families with the help of nearly 10,000 volunteers. In 1996 our outreach expanded through the opening of St. Innocent Orthodox Orphanage in Tijuana which provides a home for teenage boys who live on the streets or who have been put out of other orphanages.
St. Catherine's Vision - We are a group of women graduates of Orthodox Theological Schools that have come together to help harness the skills and knowledge of our women graduates in the service of the Church.
ZOE for Life - ZOE is a non-profit Christ-centered support organization with three major goals: to help women in crisis pregnancy, to assist Orthodox Christian couples seeking to adopt, and to create an Orthodox Christian abstinence program to educate young people.

Autocephalous and Autonomous Churches 
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Patriarchate of Alexandria
Patriarchate of Antioch
Patriarchate of Bulgaria
Patriarchate of Georgia
Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Patriarchate of Moscow
Patriarchate of Romania
Patriarchate of Serbia
The Church of Albania
The Church of Cyprus
The Church of Czech Lands and Slovakia
The Church of Estonia
The Church of Finland
The Church of Greece
The Church of Japan
The Church of Poland
The Church of Sinai
The Church of Ukraine
The Orthodox Church in America

Biblical & Theological Resources 
Alaskan Orthodox Texts - This site is an electronic library of historic Orthodox Christian resources in the indigenous languages of Alaska.
Bible Search -

At we are pleased to offer a free version of the Bible created specifically for users with vision disabilities. Our site is optimized for screen readers and braille displays, tailored to individuals with low vision, color blindness, and any other sight impairment.

Bible Trivia

Calculation of the Ecclesiastical Calendar
Canons of the Seven Ecumenical Councils - Canons of the Seven Ecumenical Councils with introduction by Archbishop Peter L'Huillier
Christian Classics Ethereal Library - The mission of the CCEL is to build up the church by making classic Christian writings available and promoting their use.
Codex Sinaiticus - Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in the world. Handwritten well over 1600 years ago, the manuscript contains the Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament.
Early Church Fathers Collection - This collection contains many ancient writings of the Early Church Fathers and various early Doctors of the Church. - A web site dedicated to the study of Orthodox Christianity through its patristic, monastic and liturgical heritage.
MYRIOBIBLOS Online Library
Orthodox Center for the Advancement of Biblical Studies (OCABS)
Orthodox Church Fathers' writings
St. Pachomius Library - A First Draft for a Living Encyclopædia of Orthodox Christianity.

Educational Resources & Family Services 
Menologion Program for Daily Bible Readings, Troparia & Kontakia
Byzantine Icons - A Guide to Byzantine Icons on the Internet - Icons Explained is a Guide to  Byzantine Icons, Frescoes and Mosaics on the Internet — from Constantinople to Macedonia to Russia, and around the world. The Purpose of the site is to enable the visitor to (re)discover and experience the Beauty and Meaning of Byzantine Icons.
Church Calendar (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America)
Get to Know the Original [Church] - Looking for a Christ-Centered Church?  We're not Jewish, but we are Orthodox.  We're not Roman, but we are Catholic.  We're not Protestant, but the Bible came from us.  We're not Denominational, we're Pre-Denominational.
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Religious Education Department
Lives of Saints from the Prologue of Ohrid
Orthodox Christian Camp Association
Orthodox Christian Education Commisson (OCEC)
Orthodox Christian Information Center - Welcome to the OCIC Web site, one of the largest and oldest sites on Orthodox Christianity. Think of the OCIC as a vast online article repository, with over 700 articles and 6,000 printed pages. This site has been online since 1996 and receives over 36,000 unique visitors per month.
Orthodox Church and Its Icons
Orthodox Photos - This photo gallery brings you no less than 1867 pictures of different orthodox sights. They are meant to bring the Holy Orthodox Faith closer to the souls of the people.
Orthodox School Association
Orthodox Schools - Links to and information about Orthodox Schools up through college preparatory programs.
Orthodox Search Application
Orthodox Wiki Encyclopedia
Orthodoxy and the World
Resources for Orthodox Christian Educators - Helping teachers enhance their lessons and teaching styles.  Publishing two Newsletters with Handouts yearly. Keeping Readers posted of new resources for Orthodox Christian use. Expanding Adult Education Resources .
The Society for Orthodox Christian History in the Americas - With the formation of the SOCIETY FOR ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN HISTORY IN THE AMERICAS (SOCHA), the membership desires to begin to shift the approach to studying and writing the history of Orthodoxy in the Americas (and elsewhere, of course, should members desire it) to reflect an earnest engagement with primary sources.  There is no jurisdictional agenda attached to SOCHA, and there is no specific ideology or philosophy which members are required to share, excepting only the basic integrity crucial to historical study and the honesty required to have one’s premises challenged and revised should the evidence warrant it.
Tour and Orthodox Christian Church - Watch an interactive tour of the interior of an Orthodox Christian Church.

Trinity Children's Foundation of America - Over forty years ago, our mission to serve children began. From a small residential program that served six boys in Yucaipa, California, our programs now serve over 1,300 boys and girls in four states and thirty-two locations. And from those six boys the first year, Trinity has now helped in excess of 50,000 children since 1966.

Vision for Inclusion: College Accessible for Visually Impaired Students - Accessing higher education shouldn't be hindered by a visual impairment. Yet, for many visually impaired students, the college experience presents a unique set of obstacles...

Information and Resource Sites 
American Orthodox Institute - The American Orthodox Institute is a research and educational organization that engages the cultural issues of the day within the Orthodox Christian moral tradition.
Guidelines for Clergy in the Orthodox Church in America
Orthodox Christian Information Center - Welcome to the OCIC Web site, one of the largest and oldest sites on Orthodox Christianity. Think of the OCIC as a vast online article repository, with over 700 articles and 6,000 printed pages. This site has been online since 1996 and receives over 36,000 unique visitors per month.
Orthodox Sites Portal
Parish Life Project Surveys
Romanian Medical Association of America - Dedicated to bringing together practitioners of Romanian descent and helping the Romanian community in the USA.
Romanian Orthodox Church Links

Liturgical Resources 
Alaskan Orthodox Texts - This site is an electronic library of historic Orthodox Christian resources in the indigenous languages of Alaska.
Axion Estin Foundation - Axion Estin Foundation's mission is to promote the appreciation, education and employment of Byzantine music in North America.
Ceaslov -

The Internet Archive,  a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, it provides free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.

Guidelines for Clergy in the Orthodox Church in America
Links Relating to the Liturgy and Music of the Orthodox Church - These pages are a constantly expanding collection of links to sites dealing specifically with the liturgy and music of the Orthodox Church.
Liturgical Calendar & Liturgical Guide (Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese) - An online liturgical guide is provided for each Sunday on this webpage; it includes variations in the order of service and the variable texts for the day.
Lives of Saints from the Prologue of Ohrid
Marriage Service (Slujba Cununiei) - Romanian text - Marriage Service (Romanian text) - CLICK HERE
Menologion Program for Daily Bible Readings, Troparia & Kontakia
On-line Liturgical Resources
Orthodox Liturgical Texts and Resources
Orthodox Two Part Liturgical Music - This two part Orthodox music is given as an offering to the Church in America with the hope that it will transcend jurisdictional boundaries. Nevertheless, there are many different kinds of chants from different Orthodox traditions which are to be found on the pages of this website, all of which share a common life and vision in Christ.
PSALM (Pan Orthodox Society for the Advancement of Liturgical Music) - PSALM is a grass roots organization founded in 1999 by a group of Orthodox musicians from various dioceses and jurisdictions, born out of the desire to bring together those charged with preparing and leading the music of the Church, including choir directors, singers, readers, and clergy, so that they can learn from each other and grow in their ministry by sharing resources and information.
Synaxarion of the Orthodox Church -

Alphabetical index of names of saints/feasts with an explanation of their significance.


Coptic Orphans - Coptic Orphans is an award-winning  international Christian development organization that works with vulnerable children in Egypt to transform their local communities by breaking the cycle of poverty and injustice through literacy, education, advocacy, mentoring, and basic needs.
Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America - Multimedia resources for youth and young adults.
FOCUS North America - Working especially in the areas of Food, Occupation, Clothing, Understanding and Shelter, FOCUS North America expresses Christ’s love through social action in North America for those who are hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked, sick or in prison (Matt. 25:35-6).FOCUS North America will: Serve those in need, by providing aid through our programs and partners;Support Orthodox Christian social action ministries, agencies, professionals, and volunteers; and Supply parishes and others with the education, resources and training needed to initiate social action ministries in their own communities.
Friends of Mount Athos - The Society of the Friends of Mount Athos is dedicated to the study and promulgation of knowledge of the history, culture, arts, architecture, natural history, and literature of the Orthodox monasteries of Mount Athos, and to the promotion of the religious and other charitable work of the Holy Community and the monasteries, both those located on Mount Athos, and those elsewhere which are dependent or connected in some way with Mount Athos.
NIKA Orthodox Christian Ministries - Nika Orthodox Christian Ministries is a non-profit Pan-Orthodox Association of Orthodox clergy and laity dedicated to leading people to Orthodoxy, and raising monies to supplement Orthodox clergy who serve very small or needy parishes. 
Orthodox Christian Laity - With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Mission of the Orthodox Christian Laity is to foster and encourage Orthodox Education and Spiritual Renewal, to facilitate the coming together of all Orthodox Christians in North America, to create a united Orthodox Church, to increase the awareness of Orthodox laypersons of their canonical role in the life of the Church, and to foster greater accountability in the administrative and spiritual life of the church.
Orthodox Christians for Life - Orthodox Christians for Life (OCLife) is a non-profit religious educational Pro-Life organization consisting of members primarily from the Eastern Orthodox Church which is recognized as a fourth major faith in the United States.
Orthodox Marriage Encounter - The Orthodox Marriage Encounter Weekend is a positive and personal experience for a couple, which offers them a technique of loving communication that they can use for the rest of their lives. It’s an opportunity for couples to look deeply into their relationship with each other and with God. Also, it is a time to share their feelings, their hopes, fears, joys, and frustrations.
Orthodox Youth Outreach (OYO) - OYO is a ministry of NAC Teen SOYO which has been designed to provide local parishes and youth workers with the resources necessary to involve junior and senior high students in local community service and short-term missions projects.
Outreach Alaska - Our objective is to provide hope to the Orthodox faithful of Alaska through an organized effort of prayer and sharing our God given treasures: financial means, time, talent, energy, experience, and ability.
St Andrew House - A Pan-Orthodox Institution Dedicated to Orthodox Unity
St. Andrew House - Center for Orthodox Christian Studies - The mission of the Center for Orthodox Christian Studies is to promote the Orthodox Christian faith by word and example, through formal instruction, worship and good works.  The Center exists to serve the Orthodox clergy and faithful of the metro Detroit area, and to be a symbol of the unity of the faith.
St. Basil Academy - Saint Basil Academy is the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese home for children in need. The academy provides a loving Christian environment where resident children are nurtured to adulthood. 
St. Nicholas Uganda Children's Fund - Mission: To provide for the education, health and welfare of Ugandan children, teens, and young adults.
SYNDESMOS - The World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth - Syndesmos was founded in 1953 to encourage contacts among Orthodox youth movements in Western Europe, Greece and the Middle East. Today Syndesmos has grown into a federation of 121 youth movements and theological schools in 43 different countries around the world. At the heart of the Fellowship is the desire of young Orthodox to work together serving the Church, Her unity, witness and renewal. Syndesmos enjoys the encouragement and blessing of all the local canonical Orthodox Churches. 
Virginia H. Farah Foundation - We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation dedicated exclusively to the work of the Orthodox Christian Church. Our goal is to provide funds to non-profit organizations to help them carry out unique and innovative projects that support the work of the Church. 
Women's Othodox Ministries and Education Network (WOMEN) - WOMEN is dedicated to cultivating the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Orthodox Christian women, for building up communities, relationships, and personal spiritual growth. WOMEN's mission is to encourage Orthodox women's loving service to Christ in the Church and in community and ecumenical settings.
ZOE for Life - ZOE is a non-profit Christ-centered support organization with three major goals: to help women in crisis pregnancy, to assist Orthodox Christian couples seeking to adopt, and to create an Orthodox Christian abstinence program to educate young people.

Orthodox Monasteries - the Worldwide Directory - This directory intends to reveal itself as a communion place for the Christian Orthodox people from everywhere and offer guidance in finding the Holy Orthodox Monasteries around the world.

Multimedia Programs (Audio & Video) 
Ancient Faith Radio - Ancient Faith Radio seeks to deepen and enrich the faith of Orthodox Christians around the world with streaming audio programming and on-demand podcasts. We feature liturgical music from a variety of Orthodox traditions, as well as prayers, readings, lectures, and interviews.
Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Detroit's Own Orthodox Radio (DOOR) -

Detroit's Own Orthodox Radio (DOOR) promotes the Orthodox Christian Faith, connects communities and faithful, educates on traditional and modern day issues, and entertains the listening public across the metropolitan Detroit region. It is produced thanks to a committee of volunteers working under the auspices of The Council of Orthodox Christian Churches of Metropolitan Detroit, including advising and contributions from the St. John Chrysostom Clergy Brotherhood. Shows air every Sunday 5:00–6:00pm on 690AM (WNZK Radio). Each program is also live-streamed world-wide and available via podcast on

Greek Orthodox Christian Television - Greek Orthodox Christian Television is an internet ministry of the Holy Metropolis of the Genuine Greek Orthodox Church of America.
Introduction to Orthodox Christianity - Based on the book, The Orthodox Church - The New Edition 1997, by Metropolitan Kallistos (Timothy) Ware.
Ligonier 1994 Orthodox Bishops Conference
Orthodox Christian Network
Orthodox Teaching of the Elders -

We strive to bring out the words of contemporary Orthodox Elders to the English-speaking community, although the website is available in multiple languages. Our collaborators work hard to add their contribution to this spiritual framework in terms of translating multimedia materials and we all strive to constantly improve the translation quality and the structure of the information. - Orthodox.TV provides many different channels of quality programming, ranging from Archdiocesan Convention broadcasts, addresses by the hierarchy, news, quality radio broadcasts, international and jurisdictional channels, interactive discussion groups, college classes, catechumenical instruction, and much more.
Our Life in Christ - Join program hosts Steven Robinson and Bill Gould for an hour of insightful discussion about Orthodox Christian faith and practice. 
This Is Your Church - The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America - A documentary film on the life and work of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America.
Tour of an Orthodox Christian Church - Watch an interactive tour of the interior of an Orthodox Christian Church.

News & Blogs 
American Orthodox Institute - The American Orthodox Institute is a research and educational organization that engages the cultural issues of the day within the Orthodox Christian moral tradition.
Directions to Orthodoxy - The  purpose of Directions to Orthodoxy is to provide thoughtful coverage of the life and work of Orthodox Christianity in the third millenium of Christianity.
Interfax-Religion - Religion news from Russia.
Orthodox Christian News Service - Includes US and World news items, features, editorials, letters, and announcements. - Commentary on social and moral issues of the day.
The Onion Dome - Orthodox news with a twist.

Online Journals 
Canadian Journal of Orthodox Christian Thought and Theology
Journal of Canadian Orthodox Christianity
THEANDROS - An Online Journal of Orthodox Christian Theology and Philosophy
Touchstone - A Journal of Mere Christianity - The Fellowship of St. James (FSJ) was incorporated in the early 1970's to uphold biblical, orthodox Christianity. It has three goals: (1) to promote and defend classical Christian doctrine, (2) to encourage the life in Christ, (3) and to foster a united witness to biblical Christian truth to a secular society. FSJ is not a church or a membership association, but a Christian non-profit corporation that publishes periodicals and holds conferences and lectures. It seeks to provide a place where Christians of various backgrounds can speak with one another and witness together to the truth of historic Christianity.

Online Stores 
Alexander Press - Alexander Press publishes and distributes — in English, French, and Greek — its own titles and those from many exceptional Greek publishing houses.
All That Needs Orthodoxy - Ecclesiastical products for church and home produced in Greece.
Archangels Books - is a complete Orthodox supplier where you can usually find what you're looking for from a large variety of sources with all the convenience of internet shopping and service in one convenient place.
Conciliar Press - Conciliar Press was born 30 years ago as the publisher of AGAIN magazine. Today, Conciliar Media Ministries, Inc., is a department of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church of North America that includes a print publishing arm (Conciliar Press) and a new media arm (Ancient Faith Radio). Conciliar Press produces two quarterly magazines including The Handmaiden and AGAIN, dozens of books by the best writers in American Orthodoxy as well as icons, cards, and more. Through a partnership with the LXX Project and Thomas Nelson, Conciliar Press been the primary distributor of the Orthodox Study Bible.
Holy Cross Orthodox Press & Bookstore - Holy Cross Orthodox Press engages in a ministry of publishing books, monographs and other literary works for general and academic audiences. Holy Cross Orthodox Press publishes works on topics of Orthodox theology, history, practice, spirituality and life. It also publishes bilingual liturgical books for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The Press publishes The Greek Orthodox Theological Review for the Faculty of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. The earliest publications of the Press date back nearly to the founding of Holy Cross in 1937. From its modest beginnings, the Press has grown into a significant publisher of over 500 books chiefly in the disciplines of Orthodox spirituality, theology, patristics, liturgics, history, and culture. 
Light & Life Publishing - The world's largest Orthodox supplier.
Logos - The Orthodox Bookstore - Orthodox Logos Foundation is an online non-commercial bookstore having as its mission to provide a full spectrum of Orthodox Christian materials in four languages, namely in English, French, Dutch and Russian. The bookstore began its operations in 2005.
Logos Creations - An online store specializing in solid 14K gold neck crosses and pendants for baptisms, gifts, and other occasions.  A growing selection for Orthodox Christians of various traditions.
Monastery Candles -

IS DEDICATED TO SERVICING CHURCHES IN NORTH AMERICA WITH PURE BEESWAX CANDLES FOR MANY YEARS. High Quality – Low Prices / Great Customer Service / FREE Shipping throughout North America / 100% Beeswax / 100% Cotton wicks / Pay when you sell the candles.

NIORAS - Byzantine Orthodox Art and Greek Traditional Products - Panagiotis Nioras is a Greek manufacturing and distributing company, with over three generations of experience and an international approach to producing and selling Greek Orthodox Articles and Folk Art.  Our aim is to promote our Greek Orthodox Tradition as well the Greek Culture through the handmade products we supply.
Orthodox Books & Supplies - Eastern & Western Orthodox Christian Books & supplies; Orthodox Icons, Orthodox Church suppliers, Orthodox crosses, Orthodox online stores, Byzantine crosses, Russian Orthodox stores, Eastern Orthodox & Byzantine vestments and suppliers.
Orthodox Christian Recorded Books - OCRB is dedicated to providing audio versions of Orthodox Christian books, lectures, and liturgical materials. The studio voices you hear are the voices of those who love the material, not of dramatic actors. The readings are clear, engaging, and salvific.
Orthodox Marketplace - The Orthodox Marketplace is made possible through an initiative organized and administered by the Department of Internet Ministries at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
Pascha Books and Gifts - Pascha Books & Gifts first opened its doors in November 1997 in response to the realization that Orthodox Christianity needed a greater presence in our society.  Its founder, Richard J. Shebib, focuses not just on appealing to Orthodox Christians.  This store is for people of all religious traditions to come and learn about the Eastern Christian Tradition and have the ability to purchase icons, jewelry, religious supplies, books and gifts from around the world.
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America Bookstore -

This bookstore mainly offers publications produced by the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, which include bilingual liturgical books. - The Internet home of Orthodox Byzantine Icons and St. Isaac of Syria Skete. 
St. Tikhon's Seminary Press & Bookstore - St. Tikhon’s Bookstore has a display area of approximately 7000 sq. feet. We offer a full line of custom made items including vestments, icons, church furnishings and bells at competitive prices. The Bookstore is operated for the benefit of the Seminary and Monastery. It offers its services to students, priests, parishes and visitors.
St. Vladimir's Seminary Press & Bookstore - Founded in 1968, St Vladimir's Seminary Press is the largest and most active publisher of Orthodox Christian books in the English language, with almost 300 titles in print. SVS Press has achieved a reputation for permitting a free expression of ideas within the breadth of the Orthodox faith, tradition, and history, while insisting on works of theological excellence.

Other Resources & Institutions 
Association of Orthodox Christian Attorneys - In 1961, the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) wrote a Constitution that envisioned a committee of Orthodox attorneys and legislators "to keep the hierarchs informed of legislation, juridical or executive action of interest, or of importance to the Church, and to render advice and assistance in the event of need."  In the spirit of SCOBA's vision, we have created the Association of Orthodox Christian Attorneys (AOCA).  Our pan-Orthodox group is open to attorneys from all of the world's Orthodox Christian Churches.
Christian Churches Together in the USA - Christian Churches Together in the USA (CCT) is a new forum growing out of a deeply felt need to broaden and expand fellowship, unity, and witness among the diverse expressions of Christian faith today. CCT is inclusive of the diversity of Christian families in the United States — Evangelical, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostals, historic Protestant, Racial and Ethnic churches.
Congress of Romanian Americans - The Congress Of Romanian Americans is an organization dedicated to promoting the interests of the Romanian community in the Nation's Capital and to further the cooperation between the governments of the United States of America and Romania.
National Council of Churches USA - Since its founding in 1950, the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA has been the leading force for ecumenical cooperation among Christians in the United States. The NCC's member faith groups — from a wide spectrum of Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox, Evangelical, historic African American and Living Peace churches — include 45 million persons in more than 100,000 local congregations in communities across the nation.
Online Courses -

A free and comprehensive resource that is a collection of open college course that spans videos, audio lectures, and notes given by professors at Harvard, Princeton and MIT.

Orthodox Centre of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Chambésy, Geneva - The Institute of Postgraduate Studies of Orthodox Theology was founded as an independent academic institute in the Orthodox Centre of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and, since the academic year 1997-1998, it cooperates with the Roman-Catholic Theological School of the University of Freiburg and the Protestant Theological School of the University of Geneva.
Pan Orthodox United -

Pan Orthodox United was established for the purpose of Orthodox cultural exchange. By bringing people together, we hope to solidify our traditions and create opportunities to share our heritage with one another. This is done by encouraging young adults to gather and participate in social and sporting events throughout the year.

The Society of Orthodox Christian History in the Americas - With the formation of the Society of Orthodox Christian History in the Americas (SOCHA), the membership desires to begin to shift the approach to studying and writing the history of Orthodoxy in the Americas (and elsewhere, of course, should members desire it) to reflect an earnest engagement with primary sources.  There is no jurisdictional agenda attached to SOCHA, and there is no specific ideology or philosophy which members are required to share, excepting only the basic integrity crucial to historical study and the honesty required to have one’s premises challenged and revised should the evidence warrant it.
Valerian D. Trifa Romanian American Heritage Center
World Council of Churches - The World Council of Churches (WCC) is the broadest and most inclusive among the many organized expressions of the modern ecumenical movement, a movement whose goal is Christian unity.

Parishes in North America 
Orthodoxy in America - An Online Directory of the Orthodox Church in North America - The Orthodoxy in America project is an online directory of the parishes, monasteries, and seminaries of the twelve major Orthodox jurisdictions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It is offered as a free service of Orthodox Web Solutions.

Retreat Centers 
Antiochian Village Camp and Retreat Center - Antiochian Village offers a place to meet, retreat, celebrate, and learn. The Conference and Retreat Center is an ideal setting for any group gathering including meetings, retreats, reunions, weddings, banquets, and more! One hundred hotel-style lodging rooms, top-notch food service, and outstanding hospitality make our facility one of the best in our region. Antiochian Village Camp, open to groups during the school year, offers group lodging and outdoor activities. During the summer months, the facility is dedicated to a nationally renowned summer camping program.
Diakonia Retreat Center - Salem, South Carolina - The Diakonia Retreat Center is an ideal setting for many different types of programming. We are currently equipped and staffed to provide retreat or conference opportunities for groups ranging in size for 10-150. Groups of 150 (including cabin counselors) can be accommodated with ease.
Life-Giving Spring Retreat Center - Boulder City, Nevada - The Diocese of the West's Retreat Center: A Place of Christian Renewal and Witness in the Mojave Desert.
St. Andrew's Camp and Retreat Center - Saint Andrew's Camp was founded in 1954 by a small group of Orthodox Christians who felt it necessary to have Pan Orthodox educational centers for youth. Since it's first session in 1957, Saint Andrew's Camp has served well over 2,000 campers & teens. The camp is owned & operated by The Orthodox Charitable and Educational Foundation (OCEF), a not-for-profit organization incorporated in New York. The facilities can also be used for retreats and other special events, and are available off season.
St. Nicholas Ranch & Retreat Center - Dunlap, California - St. Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center is a ministry of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of San Francisco.  Our primary mission is to serve the needs of Orthodox Christians by hosting camps, retreats and seminars promoting Orthodox religious education and spiritual formation.  In addition, we also open our facilities to host a broad range of other programs, conferences and retreats for worthwhile non-Orthodox organizations.
St. Silouan Retreat - Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina - The Retreat is located on 70 acres of wooded property bordering a tidal river. It is a place of rare calm and beauty, where one or two individuals or married couples can spend several days of rest, prayer and to the extent desired, conversation with others present. Times of silence and relative solitude are punctuated by the daily offices of matins, vespers and compline. Occasionally, small groups of priests and lay persons gather for a few days of shared reflection on various theological and pastoral themes. The main purpose of the Retreat is to serve the needs of our clergy and others for periods of prayer and spiritual renewal.

Romanian Language Resources 
Apostolat în Ţara Făgăraşului
Biblia Ortodoxă
Calea Ortodoxă - Spiritualitatea şi Literatură
CALENDAR ORTODOX --- SFINTII ZILEI - Portal Crestin Ortodox - Portal Creştin Ortodox
Crestinism Ortodox
Despre Taina Căsătoriei
Doar Ortodox
Editura Doxologia -

În librăria noastră veţi găsi o ofertă generoasă de cărţi digitale pe care o vom îmbogăţi continuu, lucrări publicate la editura noastră, din domeniile teologie şi spiritualitate, credinţă ortodoxă, istorie bisericească, poezie și proză creștină, literatură patristică şi filocalică.

Femeia Ortodoxă
Links Ortodox - Pagina de link-uri Ortodoxe.
Ortodox Media
Ortodox Radio
Ortodoxia Pentru Copii
Portal Ortodox Online - - Frânturi de spiritualitate creştin ortodoxă
Radio Reintregirea
Radio Trinitas
Resurse Ortodoxe
Resurse Ortodoxe Româneşti
Traditional Ortodox

Solia Calendar Advertisers 
777 California Real Estate Connections
Beachfront Realty, Inc. - Danijela Handaric (Aventura, FL) -

Danijela Handaric, Realtor, 18205 Biscayne Blvd Ste 2205, Aventura FL 33160 - (954) 290-4321 /

Berkshire Hathaway Home Services - Arizona Properties -

Specializing in the purchase of licensed assisted living homes or the conversion of residential homes into assisted living homes. Contact: Margie Raica: (602) 284-7171 or

Finding Family in Romania 2013 -

This is the tale of our month-long adventure in Romania searching for family and exploring the country of my father-in-law's childhood. Contact: (231) 388-5749 or

Gloria Incense - Official On-line Store of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA. At Orthodox Goods, you may purchase items, books and gifts from Christ the Saviour Seminary Bookstore, Gloria Incense and the Liturgical Publications Department of the Diocesan Chancery. 
Heritage Organization of Romanian Americans in Minnesota - HORA is a non-profit organization intended to enrich the state’s diverse image through sharing the unique and valuable cultural heritage of the Romanian American community, along with its extensive history in the state. Our mission is to preserve, promote and share the cultural heritage, history and values of the Romanian American community in the Twin Cities and the State of Minnesota.
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) - IOCC, in the spirit of Christ’s love, offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthens the capacity of the Orthodox Church to so respond.
Jackson Monument Works - Jackson Monument Works was started in 1910 by Elmer C. St.John and was called Jackson Granite Co. Jackson Monument Works is now owned and operated by Elmer's great-grandson, Chris St. John. The granite stones are shipped already cut and polished to shape, Jackson Monument Works adds design and the lettering to the customer's specification.
John N. Santeiu & Son Funeral Directors - A full service funeral home, we adapt our services to fit the needs of those who honor us with their confidence at their time of need.
La Lame Inc - Church Fabrics - Specialty fabric and yarn manufacturers.
Landstar Cargo Transportation Services -

Cargo transportation to Romania, Republic of Moldava and many other destinations. Contact Tony Samoila at 239-599-4033 or

Lynch & Sons Funeral Directors - Lynch & Sons Funeral Directors provide a full range of mortuary services, facilities and merchandise and are ready to serve around the clock and around the calendar. 
Meridianul Românesc - A Romanian-American newspaper published weekly in the Romanian language. It has no political or religious affiliation, but aims to be the voice of the Romanian-American community.
Orama World - The Orthodox Christian on-line shopping mall of products inspired from Byzantium and Orthodox Christianity. 
Orthodox Church Supplies of America - We supply everything you need for the church: Icons, Vigil Lamps, Censers, Tabenacles, Candelabrums, Wood Craved Iconostasis, Icon Stands and More. Also we supply everything you need for your home: Icons, Vigil Lamps, Home Censers, Charcoal, Incense, Prayer Ropes, and much, much more.
Project Mexico & St. Innocent Orphanage - Since 1988, Project Mexico has been involving young people in the alleviation of suffering by building homes for Mexico's poor. Hundreds of homes have been built for needy families with the help of nearly 10,000 volunteers. In 1996 our outreach expanded through the opening of St. Innocent Orthodox Orphanage in Tijuana which provides a home for teenage boys who live on the streets or who have been put out of other orphanages.
Romanian American Import Export Inc -

Transportation of packages, furniture, construction materials, containers, etc. from the USA to Romania. Call: 773-465-8695.

Romanian Genealogy Society -

Linking the past, present and future by exchanging knowledge and expertise about Romanian family history research.

Romanian Tribune - Unicul ziar româno-american tipărit integral pe hârtie cerată! Grafică şi paginaţie atractivă. Ziarul românesc cu cel mai mare tiraj din SUA - distribuit gratuit in 28 de state!
Romanian-American Yellow Pages - Clearly and indisputably the best community guide and networking tool.

Theological Schools, Seminaries and Graduate Institutions 
Christ the Saviour Seminary, Johnstown PA
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA
Institute of Orthodox Theology in Paris «Saint Serge»
Institute of Postgraduate Studies in Orthodox Theology, Chambésy, Geneva
Orthodox Academy of Crete
Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute of Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA
Saint Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology, Elk Grove, CA
St. Herman's Theological Seminary, Kodiak, AK
St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, South Canaan, PA
St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, NY
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