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Rev. Fr. Gheorghe (Psa. Diana) ACSENTE

Sts. Constantine & Helen Church, Lilburn GA

Rev. Fr. Gabriel (Psa. Simona) AGOSTON

Dean of Pacific Northwest Deanery

St. Mary Church, Portland OR

Protopresbyter Constantin (Psa. Elena) ALECSE [retired](SUSPENDED FROM ALL PRIESTLY FUNCTIONS)

Holy Trinity Church, Los Angeles, CA

Very Rev. Fr. Liviu (Psa. Claudia) ALEXANDRESCU

Dean of Eastern Canada Deanery

Annunciation (Buna Vestire) Cathedral, Montreal, QC

Rev. Fr. Gabriel C. (Psa. Gabriela S.) ALEXE

St. Polycarp of Smyrna Church, Naples, FL

Very Rev. Fr. Cosmin George (Psa. Camelia) ANTONESCU

St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Potomac MD

Protopresbyter Cornel (Psa. Eugenia) AVRAMESCU [retired]

Falling Asleep of the Ever-Virgin Mary Church, Anaheim, CA

Very Rev. Fr. Valerian (Psa. Maria) BADAN

St. Joseph the Merciful, Metropolitan of Moldova Mission 

Rev. Fr. Daniel Cornel (Psa. Elena Rozalia) BALAN

St. John of Wallachia Church, Ridgewood NJ

Rev. Fr. Horatiu (Psa. Mihaela Ioana) BALANEAN

Sts Peter & Paul Church Dearborn Heights, MI

Protopresbyter Adrian (Psa. Viorica) BALESCU [retired]
Very Rev. Fr. Mircea Daniel (Psa. Miruna Ioana) BANU

St. Nicholas Church, Ottawa ON

Rev. Fr. Cosmin (Psa. Dalia) BARBOS

St. Andrew the Apostle, McKees Rocks PA

Very Rev. Fr. Filimon BARBOS

St John the Baptizer Church, Glendale AZ

Very Rev. Protosinghel Chesarie BERTEA, Ph.D.

Nativity of the Ever-Virgin Mary (St. Mary) Church, Elmhurst NY

Rev. Fr. Florin (Psa. Mariana Monica) BICA

St. Nicholas Church, Alliance OH

Rev. Fr. Alexander (Psa. Ioana) Daniel BITIS

St. Dimitrie Church, Easton CT

Rev. Fr. Ioan (Psa. Diana) BOGDAN

St. Dimitrie the New Church, Longmont, CO

Rev. Fr. Karol S. (Psa. Roxana Maria) BRATOSIN

St. John Chrysostom Church, Old Hickory,TN

Rev. Fr. Marius Victor (Psa. Maria) BUJOR

St. Elijah Church, Schomberg ON

Very Rev. Fr. Ioan (Psa. Mihaela) BUNEA

St George Church, Toronto, ON

Rev. Deacon Patrick (Dsa. Andrea) CAIN

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church, Phoenix AZ

Very Rev. Fr. Ioan (Psa. Floarea) CATANA

Three Hierarchs Church, Seattle, WA

Rev. Fr. George (Psa. Elena) CAUTIS

St. George Cathedral, Southfield MI

Rev. Fr. Dan Simion (Psa. Teodora) CHIRTU

St. Luke the Evangelist Church, Markham ON

Rev. Fr. Nicholas (Psa. Maria) CICCIARELLI

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church, Phoenix AZ

Rev. Fr. Cezar (Psa. Roxana) CISLOIU

Holy Trinity Church, Youngstown OH

Rev. Fr. Radu (Psa. Lucia) CIUI

St. Nicholas Church, Troy MI

Very Rev. Fr. Paul (Psa. Gerianne) COATS

Sts. Constantine & Helen Church, Indianapolis IN

Very Rev. Fr. George (Psa. Mariana) COCA

St Dimitrie Church, Easton, CT

Rev. Fr. Lucian (Psa. Cristina) CONSTANTIN

Nativity of the Ever-Virgin Mary Church, Calgary, AB

Very Rev. Fr. Ioan (Psa. Ana) COTRIGASANU

St. Elias Church, Anjou, QC

Very Rev. Dr. Ioan (Psa. Elena Ioana) COZMA, Ph.D.

St. Dumitru Church, New York, NY

Rev. Fr. Vladut Andrei (Psa. Karina Antonia) CRETU

St. Nicholas Church, Montreal QC

Very Rev. Fr. Ionel CUDRITESCU [retired]
Rev. Protodeacon Peter (Dsa. Tanya) DANILCHICK

Protection of the Mother of God Church, Falls Church, VA

Rev. Fr. George Bogdan (Psa. Livia Maria) DIACONESCU

Holy Resurrection Church, Hayward CA

Rev. Deacon Nicholas (Dsa. Catherine) DUJMOVIC

Protection of the Mother of God Church, Falls Church, VA

Protopresbyter Viorel (Psa. Maria) DUMITRESCU [retired]

Descent of the Holy Spirit Church, Ridgewood, NY

Very Rev. Fr. Antonel M. (Psa. Laura Aida) DUMITRU

St. John the Evangelist Church, Toronto ON

Rev. Fr. Florian (Psa. Carmen) ENE

Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste Church, Aurora ON

Rev. Fr. Daniel I. (Psa. Raluca M.) FLOREAN

St. Basil the Great Church, Durham, NC

Rev. Fr. Thomas "Robert" (Psa. Laurel) FRISBY

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church, Phoenix AZ

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Cristian (Psa. Oana) FRUNZULICA

St. George Cathedral, Regina, Saskatchewan

Rev. Hierodeacon Neonil FURDUI

Holy Resurrection Monastery, Temecula CA

Rev. Protodeacon Kenneth (Dsa. Marion) GABER

St. Elias the Prophet Church, Lennard, MB

Very Rev. Fr. Daniel GHICA

Three Hierarchs Mission, Baton Rouge LA

Rev. Deacon Ilie (Dsa. Liubov) GISCA

St. Dimitrie the New Church, Frederick, CO

Rev. Fr. Daniel (Psa. Marta) GIUBEGA [retired]
Rev. Fr. James (Psa. Victoria) GOODWIN
Rev. Fr. Ciprian (Psa. Ana Maria) GRADINARU

St. John Chrysostom Church, Old Hickory,TN

Protopresbyter Dr. Remus (Psa. Elena) GRAMA

Dean of Great Lakes Deanery

Falling Asleep of the Ever-Virgin Mary Cathedral, Cleveland, OH

Rev. Hieromonk Christopher GRECU
Very Rev. Fr. Adrian (Psa. Brindusa) GRIGORAS

Dean of Pacific Southwest Deanery

Saint John the Baptizer Church, Glendale, AZ

Very Rev. Fr. Ioan (Psa. Mihaela) IANCU

Nativity of the Ever-Virgin Mary Church, Laval, QC

Protopresbyter Dumitru ICHIM, Ph.D. [retired]

St. John the Baptist Church, Kitchener, ON

Rev. Fr. Spyridon (Psa. Sarah) ICKES

Holy Cross, Hermitage PA

Rev. Fr. Florin (Psa. Alina) IFTODE

St. Anne, Pomona, California

Rev. Fr. Bogdan Petru (Psa. Florina Eliza) ION

Holy Brancoveanu Martyrs Church, Montreal, QC

Rev. Fr. Codrut (Psa. Ovidia) ION
Very Rev. Fr. Dumitru (Psa. Laura Felicia) IONESCU

Falling Asleep of the Ever-Virgin Mary (St. Mary) Church, Las Vegas, NV

Very Rev. Fr. Nicolae (Psa. Cornelia) IZBASA [retired]

Holy Nativity of the Lord Church, Chicago, IL

Protopresbyter Mirone R. KLYSH, [retired]

St. George Church, Winnipeg, MB

Very Rev. Fr. John (Psa. Anna) KONKLE, Ph.D.

Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery, Rives Junction MI

Very Rev. Dr. Nicolae (Psa. Mihaela) LAPUSTE

Dean of Western Canada Deanery

Holy Trinity Church, New Westminster, BC

Very Rev. Fr. Constantin (Psa. Rodica) LAPUSTEA

Holy Cross Church, San Jose, CA

Rev. Fr. Florin C. (Psa. Madalina) LAPUSTEA

Holy Cross Church, San Jose, CA

Rev. Deacon Nicolae B. (Dsa. Diana) LAPUSTEA

Holy Cross Church, San Jose CA

Protopresbyter Laurence (Psa. Anita) LAZAR [retired]

Descent of the Holy Spirit, Warren, MI

Rev. Deacon Alexei (Dsa. Ana) LEAHU

St. Elias the Prophet Church, Anjou, QC

Very Rev. Fr. Gheorghe (Psa. Doina) LIBOTEAN [retired]

St. John the Baptizer Church, Glendale, AZ

Rev. Fr. I. Gabriel (Psa. Maria Camelia) LUPESCU

St. Stephen the Great Church, Clearwater FL

Protopresbyter Ioan (Psa. Ana) LUPESCU [retired]

Saint Stephen the Great, Clearwater, FL

Rev. Fr. Gheorghe Cristian (Psa. Lia Marinela) LUTAS

St. John the Hozevite Church, Lakewood CO

Very Rev. Fr. Ionut (Psa. Elena Ramona) MAEREAN

Dean of Central Canada Deanery

St. John the Baptist Church, Kitchener ON

Very Rev. Fr. Octavian (Psa. Ramona) MAHLER

Holy Resurrection Church, Hayward, CA

Very Rev. Fr. Marian (Psa. Adriana) MANOLACHE

St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Houston, TX

Rev. Deacon Nicolae (Dsa. Nicoleta) MARINESCU

Annunciation (Buna Vestire) Cathedral, Montreal QC

Rev. Deacon Christopher (Dsa. Julie) MCCULLOH

Sts. Constantine & Helen, Indianapolis IN

Very Rev. Fr. Florin (Psa. Elena) MIHALACHE

Holy Trinity Church, Miramar, FL

Rev. Fr. Marin (Psa. Laura) MIHALACHE

Holy Nativity Church, Chicago, IL

Protopresbyter John (Psa. Maria) MIHUT [retired]

Descent of the Holy Spirit Church, Warren, MI

Rev. Deacon Laike (Dsa. Meheret A.) MISIKIR
Very Rev. Fr. Daniel (Psa. Nicoleta) MOLDOVAN

Holy Transfiguration Church, Manchester, CT

Protopresbyter Onisie (Psa. Anca) MORAR

St. John the Baptist Church, Woonsocket, RI

Very Rev. Fr. Stefan Dan (Psa. Andreea) MORARIU

St. John the Evangelist Church, Toronto ON

Protopresbyter Vasile (Psa. Elizabeth) MUNTEAN [retired]

Descent of the Holy Spirit Church, Oregon City OR

Very Rev. Fr. Alin (Psa. Sonia) MUNTEANU

Falling Asleep of the Ever-Virgin Mary Church, Anaheim, CA

Protopresbyter Dimitrie (Psa. Mariana-Maria) MUSTA

Sts. Michael & Gabriel Church, Middle Village, NY

Rev. Fr. Gheorghe M. (Psa. Florina) NEAGU

Sts. Michael & Gabriel Church, Apopka, FL

Rev. Fr. Ilie Geani (Psa. Daniela) NEMES

Holy Nativity of the Lord Church, Chicago, IL

Very Rev. Fr. Dan (Psa. Oana) NICOLAU

St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Laval, QC

Rev. Fr. Rares Claudiu (Psa. Teodora) ONOFREI

Sts. Michael & Gabriel Church, Sacramento CA

Rev. Fr. Marin (Psa. Elena) OPREA
Rev. Fr. Tiberiu Georgian (Psa. Margaret) OPRIS

St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Saint Louis, MO

Very Rev. Fr. Ian (Psa. Mary Lynn) PAC-URAR, Ph.D.

Presentation of Our Lord Church, Fairlawn, OH

Very Rev. Fr. Danut (Psa. Mihaela) PALANCEANU

St. George Church, Canton, OH

Protopresbyter Vasile PARAU

Holy Cross Church, San Diego CA

Protopresbyter Alexander (Psa. Doina) PARTIOC, [retired]

Descent of the Holy Spirit Church, Warren MI

Protopresbyter Dumitru (Psa. Gladiola) PAUN
Protopresbyter Simion (Psa. Maria) PAVEL [retired]

Holy Nativity of the Lord Church, Chicago, IL

Rev. Dr. Cezar (Psa. Gabriela) PELIN, Ph.D.

St. Varlaam of Moldova Mission, Moncton NB

Rev. Deacon Rodney (Dsa. Mandy) PETERS

St. George Cathedral, Regina, SK

Protopresbyter Traian (Psa. Doina Avia) PETRESCU [retired]

St. Dumitru Church, New York, NY

Protopresbyter Aurel (Psa. Adriana) PETRESCU [retired]
Rev. Fr. Daniel (Psa. Cristina) POP

St. Athanasius the Great Church, Aurora IL

Very Rev. Fr. Gabriel Liviu (Psa. Titiana) POPA
Very Rev. Fr. Daniel (Psa. Nicoleta) POSTOLACHE

Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Quebec City, QC

Rev. Fr. Cristian Mihail (Psa. Roxana) PREDA

St. Joseph of Maramures Church, Hazleton PA

Rev. Fr. Ionut (Psa. Emanuela) PREDA

Descent of the Holy Spirit Church, Ridgewood, NY

Protopresbyter Marian (Psa. Maria) PREDA

St. John the Baptizer, Kannapolis NC

Rev. Fr. Dumitru (Psa. Alina Maria) PROCA

Holy Brancoveanu Martyrs Church, Montreal, QC

Rev. Fr. Gheorghe Daniel (Psa. Maria Simona) RADU

Descent of the Holy Spirit Church, Merrillville IN

Very Rev. Fr. Ionut (Psa. Alina - Mihaela) RADU

St. Mary Church, Colleyville TX

Very Rev. Fr. Eduard E. (Psa. Ludmila) REVENCU

Holy Confessors of Transylvania Church, Oakville, ON

Rev. Fr. John (Psa. Alecsandra Ramona) RICHARDSON

St Nectarios Mission, Stoney Creek ON

Rev. Hieromonk Dionisie RODILA

Holy Resurrection Monastery, Temecula CA

Protopresbyter Romey (Psa. Mary Ellen) ROSCO

Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Dearborn Heights, MI

Rev. Fr. Radu (Psa. Larisa) RUSSU

Annunciation Church, Walker MI

Rev. Fr. Marius Ionut (Psa. Alina Elena) SANDU

St John of Suceava Church, Manchester NH

V. Rev. Fr. George SANDULESCU [retired]

Nativity of the Ever-Virgin Mary Hierarchal Chapel

Protopresbyter Dumitru (Psa. Rodica) SASU [retired]

Holy Trinity Church, Miramar, FL

Very Rev. Fr. John (Psa. Karen) SCHMIDT [retired]

Descent of the Holy Spirit Church, Merrillville IN

Rev. Dr. Silvius (Psa. Adela) SFERA

Holy Cross Church, Hollywood, Florida

Rev. Fr. Florin (Psa. Florina) SIPOS

St. Basil the Great Church, Durham, NC

Rev. Fr. John (Psa. Rodica) SIRBU
Very Rev. Fr. Cornel (Psa. Oana Adriana) SIRJITA

Holy Archangels Michael & Gabriel Mission, Niagara Falls ON

Rev. Fr. Florin I. (Psa. Loredana) SOARE

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Mission, Phoenix AZ

Rev. Deacon Ananias (Dsa. Katherine) SOREM, Ph.D.
Protopresbyter Panteleimon (Psa. Aurelia) STANCIU
Rev. Fr. Ion Traian (Psa. Mihaela) STEFAN

Holy Cross Church, Alexandria, VA

Protopresbyter Dr. Nicolae (Psa. Rodica Eliza) STOLERU

Ascension of the Lord Church, Montreal, QC

Rev. Fr. Paul Catalin (Psa. Raluca) STOLERU

Ascension of the Lord Church, Montreal, QC

Very Rev. Fr. Stefan Florin (Psa. Teodora) STOLERU

Dean of Southern Deanery

St. Anne Church, Jacksonville, FL

Very Rev. Dr. David (Psa. Stephanie) SUBU

Protection of the Holy Mother of God Church, Falls Church, VA


St. John the Baptizer Church, Glendale, AZ

Rev. Fr. Vasile M. (Psa. Ionela) TIBRE

Holy Cross, London ON

Rev. Fr. Cornel (Psa. Louisa) TODEASA, Ph.D. - [retired]

St. Dimitrie Church, Easton, CT

Protopresbyter George (Psa. Paula) TREFF [retired]

Holy Cross Church, Hermitage PA

Rev. Fr. Vasile (Psa. Simina) TRIF

St. Panteleimon Church, Saint-Eustache, QC

Very Rev. Fr. Mirel (Psa. Anca) TUDOSE

St. Mary of Magdala Church, Houston, TX

Very Rev. Fr. Constantin (Psa. Milanka) TURCOANE [retired] (SUSPENDED FROM ALL PRIESTLY FUNCTIONS)
Rev. Fr. Clayton Michael (Psa. Colleen) UNGRIN [retired]

St. George Church, Winnipeg, MB

Very Rev. Fr. Daniel (Psa. Elena Cristina) UNGUREANU

St. Parascheva Mission, Saint-Laurent, QC

Very Rev. Fr. George (Psa. Ramona) URSACHE

Dean of Central USA Deanery

Falling Asleep of the Ever-Virgin Mary, Chicago, IL

Rev. Fr. Lucian (Dsa. Mikhai) VASILE

St. Varlaam of Moldova Mission, Moncton NB

Rev. Fr. Ion (Psa. Viorica) VESA

Sts. Michael & Gabriel Church, Middle Village NY

Very Rev. Fr. Dimitrie VINCENT [retired]

St. George Cathedral, Southfield MI

Rev. Deacon Liviu Claudiu (Dsa. Mirela Mihaela) VULTUR

St. Andrew Church, Laval, QC

Very Rev. Fr. David (Psa. Janene) WEY

Sts. Constantine & Helen Church, Indianapolis, IN

Rev. Fr. Wayne Paul (Psa. Lenora) WRIGHT

Saint Elias the Prophet Church, Ellwood City, PA

Deacon Cristian (Dsa. Eliza Daniela) ZAMRII

St. George Romanian Orthodox Church, Toronto, ON

Very Rev. Fr. Ioan Felicean (Psa. Lavinia) ZINCA

Protection of the Mother of God Church, Pierrefonds QC

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