VATRA Generations Project - $700,000.00

The amount shown here reflects only the donations made through the platform. The full amount raised through other platforms, as of June 21, 2022 is: $514,191.51

More information: CLICK HERE

$30,136.06 raised of $700,000.00
Top Donors
Recent Donations
$50.0001/31/2025 @ 9:58pm
$50.0001/29/2025 @ 3:27pm
$48.3201/22/2025 @ 3:04am
$280.0001/17/2025 @ 11:27am
$500.0001/15/2025 @ 9:10pm

Video of the History of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
Renovations to the Main Residence continue!

This phase of the project includes: removing all of the old original exterior wooden shingles, rewiring the building with modern electrical wiring, adding insulation to the outside walls, replacing the exterior shingles with durable shingle-look cement board siding, and reconstructing the remaining porches.

Click HERE to view a picture gallery!

(8 images)

The Restoration of the Bishop's Residence continues!

The restoration of the Bishop's Residence continues. After the restoration of the front porch, Phase #1 continued with the tuck-pointing of the Chimneys (4). The Roofing Project already started. All this was made possible by the Vatra Generations Fund.

Click HERE to view a picture gallery.

Click HERE, HERE and HERE for videos.

(43 images)

Picture Gallery of the Ordination of Archimandrite Andrei (Hoarște) as Auxiliary Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America - Saturday, February 1

Click HERE to view a picture gallery.

(19 images)

Picture Gallery of the Pastoral visits of His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel

More pictures on the Photo Galleries page.

(9 images)

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