Dear Clergy & Faithful,
Parents & Campers,
Christ is Risen! I pray that you and your family are all doing well and in good health!
At Camp Vatra, our first priority is the safety and well-being of the students and staff entrusted to our care. As you know, these are difficult and challenging times with the emergence and spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. It has affected, to various degrees, almost all aspects of public and communal life throughout the world. Regions of Michigan have been especially affected.
It is with much sadness, but with a profound sense of responsibility, that His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel and the Camp Vatra Directors have decided to CANCEL the Summer 2020 sessions of Camp Vatra for Seniors and Juniors. We pray that by Summer 2021 the medical community will have developed the necessary preventative measures and treatments necessary for controlling this pandemic to the point where communal activities can again take place safely.
Even though we will not gather in person as usual, we are working to organize some “virtual camp” activities during the Summer months that will enable us to remain in contact via the electronic means of communication. We will announce those activities on our Camp Vatra Facebook page (!
Let us keep our faith alive and hope in our Lord Jesus Christ who loves us all and who will deliver us from all harm and danger. Let us remember his words from the Scripture, “no one will take away your joy from you”... and so, let us make the best of the situation at hand and keep a positive attitude, pray for one another, and occupy our time productively with study, good readings, hobbies and healthy activities. Most of all, let us keep in contact with each other and our families!
With love for you all, in the Risen Lord,
Bishop Andrei
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