ARFORA Undergraduate Scholarship Named
Dr. Eleanor Bujea Scholarship
The AFORA National Board, together with Delegates to the 74th ARFORA Congress, met at the Descent of the Holy Spirit Parish, Warren, Michigan, June 17-19. Among the activities the Congress discussed was to review the three Scholarships under the ARFORA umbrella: the “Martha Gavrila” Scholarship for Women; ARFORA Undergraduate Scholarship for Women and the “Helen Muntean” Educational Scholarship for Women. [See ROEA website]
A report from the Chairperson of the Fund-raising Committee, Louise Gibb, indicated that an approximate amount of $8,000 was gleaned from the recent special Support for the Scholarships Collection Boxes which had been sent to 68 U.S. parishes.
The collected funds were equally divided between the “Martha Gavrila” Scholarship and the Undergraduate Scholarship, unless checks indicated to which of these two programs the check-money was to be given. The “Helen Muntean” scholarship is self-funded.
Giving consideration to the fact that the Undergraduate Scholarship has no name, the delegates discussed the possible honoring of an outstanding ARFORA member. It was determined that this Scholarship is to be named in honor of Dr. Eleanor Bujea of Regina, Saskatchewan, a past president of ARFORA, first President of ARCOLA, and educator.
Dr. Bujea who fell asleep in the Lord October 28, 2019, held four Degrees and a Doctorate in Education. She was a life-long resident of Regina, Saskatchewan and member of the local parishes. She wrote the book, “ARFORA: 60 years – 1938-1998, published by the ROEA.
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